Sunday, August 21, 2016

100 Days of Summer, Week 12

Today was my last official day of sad. Tomorrow starts teacher work week, and the rest of the craziness that comes with two people working full-time jobs (plus a part-time one), raising a busy baby, and managing the rest of life. It's been so fun to be home with Quinn this summer. She has changed so much in seven or eight weeks we have been together. I am definitely lucky to get these bonus weeks. We have lots of changes in store the next couple of weeks and a big 10 month birthday tomorrow. 

{Day 78:August 15}

I was attempting to teach Q to use this snack cup and it went so well I decided to take it out and about the next day...when she proceeded to dump and eat all her Cheerios off the Bennett library least she was quiet during my meeting
{Day 79:August 16}

Because sometimes you just need to dry your hair.
{Day 80:August 17}

Parachute at Toddlin Time
{Day 81:August 18}

Taking one of our last trips to the pool
{Day 82:August 19}

Wild Friday night trying to find a baby gate to fit this...theres a lot of problems here. 
{Day 83:August 20}

Katerina's for dinner to close out summer.
{Day 84:August 21}

First goldfish :)

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