Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Adventures in Babysitting (Round 2)

So it has been forever since my last post. Things have been a little busy. Wedding planning was in full swing for the past couple days and I started babysitting last week too. Plus life in general just needed some attention. Anyway...I have lots of updates, but I am going to start with my adventures in babysitting...the rest will follow some time soon. I was going to write about the first hectic week last Friday, but didn't get to it. So here it is....

Miss E, Miss K, Miss C, and Miss G
I am not typically responsible for Miss K. 
MONDAY: The first day of summer...65 and rained all day, naturally. Three swim practices (not canceled in the rain). Introduction to the worst swim practice schedule ever.

TUESDAY:  Dog runs away. The mom can home mid dog chase through the neighborhood and had to get him back.

WEDNESDAY: Previously mentioned dog peed the most amount I have ever seen a dog pee on the carpet right in front of me. It was like nothing I have ever seen.

THURSDAY: Six kids, one babysitter. That's enough on that.

FRIDAY: Had to go to BES with the kids and interview counselor replacements. Took my charges for the ice cream seen below. Little did I know they had already snuck popsicles from the BES stock from end of the year parties. Bratsies.

It's already been an eventful summer.

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