Monday, January 23, 2012


This has been one of my absolute favorite Joe items since it premiered before the Ohio State game in 2008. I remember going to watch the game at Rhino Bar with my 11GC friends and this came on before the game. I googled it the next day so I could hear it as well as see it. I loved it. The next day I went to school and talked with my fellow Penn Stater colleague, as I recall she shared my sentiments. When Matt and I began dating I made him watch it too, he probably thought I was a crazy person for loving a youtube video so much. I am not a crier. Never have been, but I tear up every time I use to watch this, even before the tragedy of the last 10 weeks. I'm not sure I should watch it now.


  1. I did not think you were crazy. I thought it was cool that you were so passionate about Paterno and it showed, as I found out later on, that he was a lot more than just a football coach. It was also slightly cooler than the other highlight of that computer keyboard cover. haha

  2. Was that me you mentioned?! I still love it!

  3. It was you! I miss you! I almost called to see if I could come stay at your house this week to go see Joe. Are you going to make a trip?

  4. I miss you, too, Flare! Our house is still in disarray but we could've housed you! Ava has pink eye again so maybe we could've even given you an added bonus! I am not going to make it were sold out in 3 minutes!
