POOL IS OPEN! I was trying not to open this thing, but I am so glad I finally did. This blow up pool has provided HOURS of entertainment for Quinn all weekend. Saturday was pretty warm out, so even I got in...today I refused, but she spent the afternoon in there entertaining herself. I will take this all summer. If you haven't been to my house, you should know that I don't have a backyard for this thing to go in. It's planted right in my front yard for all my neighbors to see what I am doing and all my packages to be delivered while I watch from my pool. Sorry Amazon driver, truly. It's awkward.
The Queen was even served her lunch poolside. Saturday was also exciting because we got groceries! We were pretty much out of everything, so this was very exciting. Sunday we did online church and then took a walk to the creek to go fishing. We had our first catch of the season! We also walked past the flamingos on the way home and they too were fishing. Hilarious.
This week is the last "teaching" week of the school year. I am also allotted a half day to go in and start the wrap up of the year and to close out my office/move out. I will also go back next week to finish what I can't get done. It should be super weird to go back in, and really to pack up my work life after so many months/years.