Friday, May 8, 2020

A+ Day

Back when all this started, there was a day that Quinn was so lovely to be around all day, and I just bragged and bragged about what an A+ day is was. There was no whining, no arguing, everyone was pleasant all day. Naturally, the next day was a disaster. Every now and then Quinn asks if she's having an A+ day. I usually tell her she could always try to have an A+ afternoon. Yesterday I had to tell her that after she was just a pouty grouch all morning, including on her Zoom meeting with her teacher. I do get a little joy out of that since she's just so lovely at school and reserves her true self for me. Yesterday's other main event was a grocery pick up from my beloved Wegmans. We got lots of good things, and it was so much better than my other grocery pick up last month. 

Today was truly an A+ day for everyone. I went on a long walk by myself this morning. Quinn did her to do list items easily, and we were able to get outside before the rain. In addition to the normal events, she also had her first live Zoom ballet and tap classes which went way better than I thought it would. Matt usually doesn't get to see dance, so he was able to observe while he worked. It was a good start to the weekend. 

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