Wednesday, June 17, 2015

23 Weeks!

Current Hunch Stats!
I remember when I first found out I was pregnant trying to figure out just how pregnant I would be at the end of the school year. Now 23 weeks and June 18th are finally here/almost here! On Sunday, Matt and I set up a baby pool using Baby Hunch. It has been so fun to see 'hunches' come in about what people think will happen in October. Take a look at the pool (you can find the link under gender) and submit your hunch! We so hope you will participate!

How far along? 23 weeks!

How big is the baby? Grapefruit or a mango...but seriously isn't that smaller than a spaghetti squash or a papaya that the baby was last week?

Maternity clothes? Still no!

Sleep? It's getting better, but still hoping it continues to improve.

Symptoms? Not too much this week really, except the usual.

Best moment this week? Seeing the baby move from the outside, and reading people's guesses on our baby pool.

Food cravings? Oh the last week of school is always rough for eating. There is so much junk food EVERYWHERE! Overall, though, same as usual, fruit is good.

Food aversions? Not much right now.

Gender? It's a surprise. Any guesses? Just follow this link:

What I miss? Sleeping on my stomach. A few times this past week I have missed being able to eat lunchmeat, but only because there were sandwiches brought to school for us to eat.

What I'm looking forward to? Our doctor appointment on Friday, my last day of school tomorrow (FINALLY), SUMMER, and Matt and I both having the week off next week.

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