Monday, March 24, 2014

Marathon Monday

I've had some ups and downs this week. And I'm talking ups and downs in the same run. I mentioned last Marathon Monday that we had the day off because we got about 7 inches of snow. That meant that miles were out for both Monday and Tuesday due to snow removal problems. One of my major concerns at the beginning of training for this half marathon was that the bulk of the training would be during the winter, but then I thought to myself at least its "Virginia winter." Apparently not. This is the most ridiculous winter I have seen in my eight years in Virginia. Not normal. Of course it would be the winter I need decent weather. Anyways, Wednesday I thought I might be able to do a couple of miles at Girls on the Run, but it was awful rain all day so we resorted to doing Just Dance and relay races.

Then came Thursday. I knew I had to do something. I thought maybe I could go do two or three miles after school, but I was so tired. I made myself go out and start. I also stupidly did major hills the first 2 miles. I really felt like there were concrete blocks tied to my feet. I also almost cried twice it was so hard. Then there was a downhill stretch and I felt like I might make it. Then after a second downhill I was feeling really good and convinced myself to do 5 miles because then I would feel really accomplished for the day.

Saturday was beautiful weather. I wanted to only do a 5k because I was planning to do my long run on Sunday. I was really excited because my pace was good and the three miles seemed to go by quickly. My high didn't last long. Sunday came.

Sunday's plan was to do my eight miles with a friend. I was nervous, but I was excited. My friend woke up sick. My motivation went down quickly, really quickly. I wanted to go back to bed. Matt tried everything in his power to get me to do miles, including reciting quotes and proverbs, showing JoePa giving inspirational speeches on YouTube, and offering dinner at Katerina's if I did eight miles. I was having none of it. I told him I didn't even care, I wasn't doing any miles. Then he offered to go with me. I negotiated a bike ride. Then I thought that might be too much so I suggested a leisurely walk. That's what we left the house planning to do.

We started the miles the way I always start my miles when I'm in my neighborhood. And I just decided to follow the interval training the way I had been doing it, but told myself that for the rest of the time I would just run when I felt like it and walk if I felt like it if I didn't feel like doing the miles anymore. We got to about 3.5 miles and I decided I was going to complete the 8 that I had planned. Matt decided to go back home, so we parted ways. That's when I realized I didn't have my headphones. I was worried about how it would go with no one to talk to and music to listen to for 4.5 miles. It was a very quiet run. There was hardly anyone outside. It was weird, but a nice change of pace. Thank God for Matt forcing me to do something. It's most of the battle just to get started.

Lastly I leave you with some of my running buddies from today. I completed my weekly miles with some laps today at Girls on the Run. We talked about gratitude. This week I am grateful for Matthew, mental toughness, and my 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade runners :) I'm also thankful for 17.48 miles and 40 days until Pittsburgh!

Two of the most grateful runners I have ever experienced...they were seriously non-stop with their gratitude today!

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