Monday, March 3, 2014

Marathon Monday

Oh friends, it's been a rough week. No weekday runs. I felt bad enough about that as it was, but then the weekend came. I planned to get miles in both Saturday and Sunday. I went out on Saturday and wanted to do 4 miles. It was a struggle from the moment I left the door. My shins, my knees, and my calves were not pleased. Then I started getting the stupid side stitch in my right side that has been plaguing me for the last couple months. I aborted my originally planned route because I was scared I might strand myself too far from home. I have never been so happy to make it home after 3.6 miles. Even after I got home I was still mad about the whole thing. Usually I'm just so happy I did miles.

I still had hope for Sunday. Too bad it was close to the same experience. Painful shins and calves until about mile 3.5 or 4. So we did a lot of walking up until then. I guess my legs decided to liven up after that so we completed the rest of the 5.7 with a little more running. At least Sunday was a little less painful and a lot more fun than Saturday. I also got to see new parts of my gigantic neighborhood on this run.

I think I learned a valuable lesson in marathoning this week. Weekday runs are really important even if they are short. I think I had such trouble this weekend because my legs were just so stiff and I couldn't loosen them up until the very end of my miles this weekend. It was so depressing after the fabulous weekend of training I had last weekend. My goal is to keep that lesson in mind this week to keep myself motivated. For now that I will take my 9.3 miles for the week with 61 days until Pittsburgh as a valuable lesson learned.

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