Monday, April 21, 2014

Marathon Monday

This Marathon Monday seems so lackluster compared to last Monday's race review. The best thing about this week in running was being able to complete miles at my leisure since it was Spring Break. If I am being completely honest, even if I wanted to do anything on Monday and Tuesday it would have been impossible. My legs were SO SO SO sore from the race on Sunday, it was hard work just to go down stairs and go from standing to sitting. I blame sprinting the first mile or two of that race for that problem.

Wednesday I decided to give things a try. I was still slightly sore, but figured I could just walk if running was too much. Running wasn't so bad, but I was worried I would really hurt myself if I pushed it too hard. I did 4.25 miles that day. Most of it was walking, but it was a good way to ease back in to things. Thursday I did 3.33 miles at my normal pace and felt good about it. Saturday I was really wanting to do my long run, but also really not wanting to do anything at all. I convinced my mom, who was visiting, and Matt to come along for some of the miles. I did the first 1.34 by myself quickly, then came back to pick them up. This is when I convinced my mom she would be able to do five miles. After a few "are we almost theres" and accusations of conspiring against both Matt and my mom, the three of us made it to five miles. My mom was adamant that she make an appearance in this blog post and wants me to let everyone know she was a trooper. After she decided to go home, Matt stuck it out with me and took a longer way home to add two more miles onto our mileage for the day for a total of 8.1 miles on Saturday. Having company for my miles on Saturday was nice motivation to get up and get things accomplished. I was lucky to have them!

We took a leisurely walk on Easter Sunday, and then I did a few laps today at GOTR for a total of 18.33 miles this week. IT IS LESS THAN TWO WEEKS (13 days!) until the half marathon! I can't believe it!!! I have only one more Marathon Monday post before it happens.

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