Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Insurance Policy

Does anyone watch Handmaid's Tale? Matt and I were very into this winter. At the start of this whole pandemic, as things were getting more serious, I kept saying this is like in the Handmaid's Tale when things started to go down and the family didn't get out. There were all these warning signs, but they stayed. Why didn't they leave? This is now us, except there's no where to go - it's global.

I had this same thought again today as I was doing my miles. I decided I needed to leave my neighborhood. I just needed to see something else. I don't love running on main roads because it's loud and you have to worry about crossing intersections. As I was making my way back I was facing oncoming traffic and all the people were wearing masks. Another car had painted their windows stating they had cloth masks for sale. I just thought of myself ten years ago, and someone telling my 26 year old self ..."hey in ten years you are going to be running back to your house in Prince William County and you are going to see people wearing masks with signs on cars stating they have masks for sale." I would have been like OKKKK...because A. I would have never believed I would be running anywhere or living in PWC, and B. because who really could have imagined this.

In other news, the tent came in handy for some peace again today. Quinn zoomed it up with her classmates, I zoomed with my counseling supervisor. We did a little bike riding, and now we are watching the Penguins documentary on Disney+. I also made a new recipe for dinner, black bean soup. It was pretty good! The most exciting/reassuring part of my day came in the form of my new insurance policy...a giant blow up pool. I mean giant. I'm probably going to get fined by the HOA, but I don't care. I love going to the pool. I actually have refused to move to a newer house/neighborhood because I will not give up the pool in my neighborhood, conveniently located across the street. I can't do a Virginia summer without a pool, and I fear our neighborhood's won't open this summer. Get yours now, the price has already gone up $10 in the time I started researching it a few weeks ago.

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