Tuesday, April 28, 2020

To Do

I taught Quinn the art of a 'To Do' list yesterday. Mostly because the girl loves TV. I was trying to help her understand that we can watch TV everyday, but it's not the most important thing to do, even though I would love a day to just watch TV all day. I bargain by telling her she has to cross a thing or two off the list before TV can happen. It has worked the last two days, so I'll probably be looking for something new by Friday.

We tried something new today in the food acquisition department. We did a curbside produce box pick up. Well actually my friend picked it up and then dropped it off at our house for us. The quality was definitely better than my last curbside pickup experience for a local grocery store, and I'm pretty sure the amount that we paid was equal to my pre pandemic, normal grocery shopping. So, I would recommend this option, especially if you fly through the produce at your house like we do. You can find more info about it {here}.

Our other adventure today was taking my car for an oil change and inspection. Naturally since we are getting our stimulus checks on Thursday, the tires on my car needed replaced. Always something. It rained most of the day...just little sprinkles, but Quinn never checked that walk off the list. I am really looking forward to what looks like a warm, sunny day tomorrow.

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