Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Build the Tent

There's not much to report today. Meetings were had. Lessons were posted. Plans were made. Words were read. The usual. Miles were run. We did try out the Walking Rainbow experiment. It's a winner. My favorite part about it is that it just keeps getting better and better the longer you leave it. I highly recommend it, and you probably have everything in your house to do it tomorrow.

We also built a tent. Quinn begged to build a tent for a long time today. Kids never just want to chill. I mean can't we just do nothing. Our neighbors (who Quinn LOVES and stalks) tell us all the time how they are glad we are the ones with a kid in quarantine because they couldn't do it. I'll tell ya, it's not for the weak. Anyway, back to the tent. I finally built the tent. She went in there and didn't come out for a long time, and she didn't even need constant attention. I did let her have a thing of Nutella and worry like 60% of the time she was in there that I was going to be scrubbing the carpet after, but I think the towel I made her take in took the brunt of the damage. I only wish I built the tent earlier.

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